Evans, N. W.,
Hartshorn, K. J., McCollum, R. M., & Wolfersberger, M. (2010)
corrective feedback in second language writing pedagogy.
Language Teaching Research, 14(4),
the article, Contextualizing corrective feedback in second language pedagogy,
the authors, Evans, Hartshorn, McCollum and Wolfersberger, attempt to provide a
guideline for more effective versions of written corrective feedback. They
identify three contextual variables, the learner, situation and instructional
methodology, that can affect the accuracy of research into the effectiveness of
written corrective feedback. Evans et al. claim that the debate on whether written
corrective feedback is a useful tool is framed by the fact that the current research
provides conflicting results.
authors suggest to use a form of written corrective feedback called dynamic
corrective feedback. They outline a step-by-step example of how to implement
this technique. It is more geared toward a second language learning
environment. The authors provide results from an exploratory pilot study. In
dynamic written corrective feedback, students provide small chunks of writing
and the teacher marks them using established error correction symbols. The
student then makes a list of errors by type and edits and types the paragraph
for a second review. This process is repeated until there are no more errors.
Evans at al. emphasize the importance of rapid turnaround for these assignments
so the writing and errors are fresh.
article presents some interesting techniques for low order concerns in a second
language composition course. I liked that it brought student expectations into
the debate. It is difficult to get away from error correction if your students
are expecting that behavior from you. It also pointed out, with the three
contextual variables, that it is not all the responsibility of the instructor to
get the concepts into a student’s long-term memory. This lifts a weight off of
instructors who may be frustrated that their students are not retaining
information. Some students may not be worried about improving, if their errors
do not interfere with communication, while others may have a language more
distant from English, such as a native Chinese speaker vs. a native Spanish
speaker. The actual technique of dynamic written corrective feedback is a good
exercise to improve mechanical errors but may not be practical for actual
larger writing assignments in an integrated composition course.
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